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Workshops I'm Running at Buddhafield

Hugh Newton

Hi Men, Here are the workshops I will be running in the Buddhafield Men's Space. Blessings brothers if you can join me I would love to see you there.

Buddhafield 2023 Mens Space

Workshop Programme Hugh Newton.

Friday Morning 10 am to 12 am. The Heart King If you wish to move from potential to potency and manifest your destiny, then this is the King you need to steward your realm. In this workshop, you will have an opportunity to define and experience your powerful, beautiful Heart King.

Afternoon 2 pm to 4 pm. Our Troubled Teenager Our teenager lives inside us and has a considerable influence on our lives. In this workshop, we bring him to life so that we can get to know his powerful, confused, troubled energy. Our King will lovingly integrate him into our heart world so that we can see when he is active and not let him impact our lives without our King’s permission.


Morning 11 am to 1 pm. Retraining our Self-Critic To live under a cruel self-critic is torture. He undermines our effort to grow and manifest ourselves in the world. In this workshop, we will bring him to light so that your Heart King can repurpose him so that he returns to his natural job and stops all criticism. No more self-criticism!

Afternoon 4 pm to 6 pm. The Crumbling King If your Crumbling King is your strongest King, you will lead a life of struggle, self-doubt, and disappointment. This is your King who believes you are not good enough and will never be able to manifest the beautiful world your heart longs for. If you want to thrive, it is vitally important that you know this King and take account of him.


Morning 10am to 12 am Manifesting the Power of your Love Your greatest power to evolve yourself and to manifest your gifts into the world is the power of your love cultivated in the Heart of your King. In this workshop, you will bring the light of your love into manifested reality and dedicate yourself to manifesting this power in service to yourself and all humanity.

Afternoon 2 pm to 4 pm Explore Unconscious Dynamics in Intimate Relationships We invite you to explore the unconscious dynamics that can play out in intimate relationships. Through experiential exercises, we will co-create trust as a group. We will explore heartfelt connections as we uncover unconscious dynamics that play out in relationships. This workshop is for men and women and will be facilitated by Hugh Newton and Debbie Beauchamp.

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