In my previous blog, I spoke about how our Sovereign goes to each part of us and supports
these parts to behave in a new way.
Our King now moves past the parts that have tried to manage the consequences of earlier
wounding to the part of us that was wounded. As my King, I know that I will not be at peace
until I have rescued the wounded part of myself and removed him from the wounded
environment he is still stuck in.
I was wounded as a boy growing up involved in a war. I was traumatised by my experiences,
and in some way, my inner boy is still stuck in that dangerous, wounding environment. The
impact of that time was so severe that he thinks what happened then is the world's true
nature. He looks out at my adult world and panics when he sees something happening,
which makes him afraid that it is all happening again.
It is up to my King to go back and rescue him from this traumatised place. It is up to my
heart-centred King to turn to my wounded boy who drives my survival strategies from
his feelings of a fearful lack of safety. My King loves and commiserates with my boy,
enveloping him with profound love and care and letting him know that now and always, he is
utterly loved and fully protected.
As my King, I love my boy home, pulling out of his original pain into my golden heart. I make
him safe and free him to play again for the rest of my life.
I am not trying to fix or eradicate what happened. It happened, and there is no getting
around that. My effort is to come passionately close, to curiously understand and feel my
boy's pain and how he suffered. Then, I can hold and love him exactly as he is. I love him
always, and if I can I even love what happened and those who hurt him.
And so, as my inner boy, I am no longer alone in facing what frightens and hurts me. My
loving King has removed me from that, and now I live in his beautiful heart. I return to my
childhood and return to being myself in love and safety. Now, when I see something in the
world that reminds me of what happened, instead of panicking, I let my King know I am
scared, and he loves and holds me again.